The Upper Harbour - Whitby - Beside the North York Moors National Park a Protected Landscape
Artist Signed and Framed as 74 of 500 limited edition prints
This fine and highly collectable signed, limited edition framed and glazed print is in mint condition having been professionally mounted and framed in selected timber at some considerable cost. It is numbered 74 / 500. This Artwork is often offered for sale as an unmounted and unsigned print for approximately £50.00 demonstrating that this offering represents truely first class value for money.
Please note: We sometimes do have other Kevin Wood limited edition prints available, but this is truly one of the very best. However, if you are looking for some other particular print by Kevin Wood, please do contact us to see if we can help you, but please be very sure that this Artwork is an undoubted classic that is surely set to continue to appreciate in value over time.
Please note the amazing relection of the yellow light refracting off of the seawater as just one exmple of why this is a very rare and significnt Artwork.
Artist: Kevin Wood
About the Artist: Kevin Wood studied art and languages at Grammar school before achieving a degree in Graphic Art. He has subsequently worked as an fine artist for over twenty years. Following a traditional approach to painting, working in oils and watercolours, Kevin also has a particular flare or talent for detailed bird and animal portraiture, but rare seascapes such as this are where we believe he excels.
He shares our love for the Yorkshire Dales and Lake District and along with his brother, John, he enjoys walking and cycling, ever in search of new artistic inspiration.